Thank you for being together

A while ago I decided to post more about myself. It was not an easy decision to make. Showing my life on social media felt a bit like getting naked, exposing myself and this way getting vulnerable.
I highly appreciate my life and personal space, I tend to protect it. I believe personal space, such as home, becomes sacred since you can calm down and recharge there, create and rest, have your rituals, and spend time with your loved ones. I think there's nothing more important than that.

Also, sometimes I feel I'm more of an observer and listener rather than a storyteller. Even though I learn a lot about myself through mindfulness, relationships, and coordinating my own business, at the same time I don't want to teach anybody on social media how to live their lives.

Yet, I decided to lift the curtain and gently share my insights on what it means to have a women-led business, tell you about who is behind the brand's wheel and what personality traits it takes to be at a certain point in life I am now.

Thank you for being with Linen Wedding Dresses ❤️

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